Monday, December 12

Vacation Day!!

I took a vacation day and obtained more signatures of electors in support of my registration as a candidate with Elections Canada and attended our staff Christmas Lunch. Afterwards, I joined my SHIA (Social Housing in Action) colleagues to support Dr. Bowie in his presentation update at City Council. Following Dr. Bowie's report, due to my involvement and unanticipated delay, I was asked to give technical back-up to Stasha Donahue, Chair of the Coalition on Poverty in her presentation to City Council on the most recent demographic report released on poverty in the region.

Being the candidate in the campaign, reinforces my appreciation for the knowledge gained as a result of my involvement to-date on both these committees... as well as the need and timeliness of the Liberal policies to deal with and rectify these deficiencies.

Today was the first day the office was open and manned by Diane and Tyler. The phones were hooked up, making all of our office contact information official:
317-1419 p
317-1274 f

For daily progress on the campaign don't forget to check my weblog regularly.

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