Monday, October 18

Exciting news again for Canadians from the Liberals!

Today in speeches in Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto Liberals released policy much needed to help provide hope to Canadians struggling with the continuing effects of our sluggish economy. The announcement follows close to the recently announced 'Family Care Plan’ all of which presents a clear choice to Canadians between Liberals and the Governing Conservatives. It outlines what a Liberal Government will do to help get Canada back on track, help regain our position in the world and provide Canadians hope for a better future. Our record speaks for itself.

For more details on ‘Liberals present clear economic choices to Canadians’ contact me or check at Posted on October 18, 2010.

The following highlights what a Liberal government will do for middle class families, the economy as well as to help redeem Canada’s role in the world “by easing their economic pressures with strategic investments in health, family care, pensions, learning and jobs, and global leadership … read-on at

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