Friday, February 1

Candidate Activity and Issues of Interest

Two weeks ago I other candidates from Southern Alberta were invited to Calgary to meet with Senator Larry Campbell and Paul Zed, MP who were on a cross-country trip to hear about issues facing cities. The largest issue appeared to be homelessness and affordable housing and I found myself having to speak-up for Lethbridge. Over the past couple of weeks I have attended a couple more charitable fundraisers and met with Herald staff, Chamber of Commerce director, Mayor Tarleck and Mr. Craig, mayor of Coaldale. It was interesting to note the different issues a small town experiences versus larger towns and cities. Mr. Tarleck noted Lethrbidge’s Master Plan highlighting homelessness and housing issues and the upcoming Centennial Celebration for the High Level Bridge. Also, attended SACPA sessions, one of the more interesting topics being ‘Reform of the Welfare System’ given by Dr. Bruce Miller, MLA, Edmonton. Another interesting environmental topic I attended was a presentation on Utilization of Exhaust CO2 to enhance Crop Growth while also helping the Environment. Also, talked with Lorne Hickey, County Reeve and agreed to meet for a longer session.

With respect to Government or lack of it and though quieter over the Xmas break issues continued and now that Parliament has resumed it appears to be heating up again. Recent issues simmering are:
• Linda Keen, President of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, fired in the “dark of night” for embarrassing the government by exercising her mandate to enforce nuclear safety regulations.
• Adrian Measner, President and CEO of the Canadian Wheat Board, fired for his decision to follow the direction of the CWB’s farmer-elected Board of Directors.
A few similar, earlier interesting ones were:
• Johanne GĂ©linas, Environment Commissioner, fired after publicly commenting to the media about her not receiving sufficient information from the government about its "Made in Canada" environmental plan.
• Yves Le Bouthillier, President of the Law Commission of Canada, fired after all federal government funding for the Commission was eliminated.
• Allan Amey, President of the Canada Emission Reduction Incentives Agency, created to oversee federal compliance with the Kyoto Protocol, fired in 2006 and the agency dismantled.
Almost appears like a pattern! One can see how easy it to jump to the conclusion that they only want people who will do their bidding. Then there is:

The Rosdev File - A key staffer in Prime Minister Harper's office and a Conservative fundraiser made separate backroom interventions in a dispute between a Montreal real-estate firm and the Dept. of Public Works.
• Mr. Harper’s Fend-for-Yourself Federalism Leaves Provinces to Fight Climate Change Alone.
• Manley Panel’s report on Canada’s Future Role in Afghanistan.
• The Schreiber and Mr. Mulroney issue etc. as well as the continuing sagas on lack of disclosure on detainees in Afghanistan and lack of action with respect to the environment.

Some Liberal announcements you’ll be interested in are as follows:
• Liberals Introduce Legislation to Boost Farmers’ Control over Canadian Wheat Board.
• Liberals Move to Implement UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
• The 30/50 plan to combat poverty, as well as help for Industry.

For more details check

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